Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why I loved reading Stephen King's "On Writing"

I actually really enjoyed reading "On Writing." I've never read anything by him but I have seen a few of the movies that are based on his books. I wasn't sure at first if I would like it, but I thought that the book was very useful and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is or is and aspiring writer.

All of his techniques were useful and some even made me think more in depth about the structure and process of writing. Some things that I really liked were that he used his own stories. "On Writing" was kind of a biographical self-help book.

His personal stories were very inspiring. Also his toolbox method helped a lot. I also think that the fact that he had one person, his wife, which was his biggest fan and his biggest critic, was very useful. I think that every writer needs someone like that to help them. Another thing that I really liked was that he said to just start writing and not worry about the story too much or where it'll go. When I write, I barely plan anything. So for him to say that was kind of a relief to me, to know that it's okay to not have a plan and to just start writing.

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